March 16, 2011

A Day at Work II

The last few days we have been sitting in a much too small room in the library while working. It sure had some interesting effects towards the end of the days such as odd jokes and weird language switching, but overall we're working at a pretty good pace right now.

Peasant Model
The latest addition to our human character crew is the peasant guy from one of our early concepts. Fred turned him into a 3D model yesterday and today Vilya started creating his texture. We plan on having him fully textured within the next few days, so expect screens of that soon.

And if you didn't know already, he will of course be another enemy - not a player character. We don't do nice guys as the main characters in this business. In fact, we try to destroy them.
Texture WIP


Jonathan started texturing today as well, he's currently focusing on texturing the buildings of the game. He's almost done with the first of the bunch, so we'll have updates of that soon as well.

Other than that, we've all been experiencing some very interesting bugs as of late, programs like 3Ds Max and Unity sometimes seem to have a life of their own. It all works out in the end though, even if we sometimes aren't sure if we're supposed to laugh or cry when programs suddenly shut themselves down or you have to redo the same thing over and over because of weird "features" that delete your progress!

It's good to know that we'll most likely look back on it in a couple of months and laugh at the silly bugs as if we'll never experience them again though. Just like we did after the work with Gods of Steel. :)

Lastly there's a couple of pictures of the gang working hard, just to motivate all you people out there struggling with your own projects. Let's go!

Photobucket   Photobucket

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